Çerez Örnek


Undergraduate, graduate and doctoral education and research are carried out within 3 sub department which are:

  • Computer Hardware Depratment
  • Computer Software Depratment
  • Department of Computer Science

In our department, by incorporating new faculty members into its staff in recent years, there are still 7 professors, 6 associate professors, 4 doctoral faculty members, a total of 17 faculty members, 3 teaching assistants and 12 research assistants.

In our department which provides education in %100 English language, especially in the 4th grade curriculum, within the scope of elective courses such as Artificial Intelligence Methods, Introduction to Data Science, Data Mining, Knowledge Representation, Computational Intelligence and Deep Learning, Evolutionary Computing, Image Processing, Ontology Engineering, Cloud Computing, Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Mobile Programming, Fundamentals of Computer Security, Software Vulnerability and Security, Cryptology, Network Security areas of expertise are generated such as Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Computer Security etc. (CLICK for Curriculum)

In addition, a lot of research projects are carried out in our department on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Internet of Things, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Sensor Networks, Software Engineering, Semantic Web within the scope of our "Primary Areas of Study".

Ege Üniversitesi